Research funding

Grants won by the group / its members

Grant description

Principal investigator /

Scientist in charge

Funding agency Period of grant
ANN-22 research project grant (bilateral, Austrian-Hungarian) G. Takács National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2022-2026
K-21 research project grant M. Kormos National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2021-2025
"OTKA" postdoctoral grant M. Lencsés National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2019-2022
János Bolyai Research Fellowship M. Kormos Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2019-2022

KH-17 grant (research teams with significant achievement of internationally outstanding impact)

B. Pozsgay National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2017-2019
Premium postdoctoral fellowship B. Pozsgay Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2016-2019
Premium postdoctoral fellowship M. Kormos Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2016-2019
K-16 research project grant G. Takács National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2016-2020
János Bolyai Research Fellowship M. Kormos Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2015-2016 
MTA postdoctoral grant

G. Takács

(postdoc: T. Pálmai)

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2014-2016
Marie-Curie Incoming International Fellowship

G. Takács

(fellow: M. Kormos)

EU Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions 2013-2015
MTA-CNR bilateral grant

G. Takács

A. Trombettoni

Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR)

Zoltán Magyary postdoctoral fellowship B. Pozsgay National Excellence Program, Hungary 2013-2015
"Momentum" research grant G. Takács Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) 2012-2017

Further sources of research funding

Programme / grant

Principal investigator /

Coordinating institute

Funding agency Period of funding
Thematic Excellence Program (TKP) Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2020-2021

Higher Education Institute Excellence Program (FIKP)

Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME)

Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM)

National Quantum Technology Program

HunQuTech consortium

National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2017-2021
Higher Education Insitution Excellence Grant Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Ministry of Human Capacities (EMMI) 2017-2018
SNN Slovenian-Hungarian bilateral grant G. Zaránd (BME) National Research, Innovation and Development Office (NKFIH) 2016-2019