List of Publications

Found 120 results
G.Del Vecchi Del Vecchio, Kormos, M., Doyon, B., Bastianello, A., Exact large-scale fluctuations of the phase field in the sine-Gordon model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 131 (2023) 263401,
M. Lencsés, Miscioscia, A., Mussardo, G., Takács, G., Multicriticality in Yang-Lee edge singularity, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2023 (2023) 46,
D. Szász-Schagrin, Lovas, I., Takács, G., Non-equilibrium time evolution in the sine-Gordon model revisited, Arxiv E-Prints (2023) arXiv:2309.03596,
M. Lencsés, Miscioscia, A., Mussardo, G., Takács, G., PT breaking and RG flows between multicritical Yang-Lee fixed points, J. High Energ. Phys. 2023 (2023) 52,
M. Lencsés, Mussardo, G., Takacs, G., Quantum Integrability vs Experiments: Correlation Functions and Dynamical Structure Factors, Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical 56 (2023) 383001,
M.Antal Werner, Moca, C.Paşcu, Kormos, M., Legeza, Ö., Dóra, B., Zaránd, G., Spectroscopic evidence for engineered hadron formation in repulsive fermionic SU(N) Hubbard Models, Phys. Rev. Research 5 (2023) 043020,
B.C. Nagy, Kormos, M., Takács, G., Thermodynamics and fractal Drude weights in the sine-Gordon model, Phys. Rev. B 108 (2023) L241105,
B. Fitos, Takács, G., Weak vs. strong breaking of integrability in interacting scalar quantum field theories, Scipost Physics 15 (2023) 137,
O. Pomponio, Werner, M.A., Zaránd, G., Takacs, G., Bloch oscillations and the lack of the decay of the false vacuum in a one-dimensional quantum spin chain, Scipost Physics 12 (2022) 061,
D.X. Horváth, Hódsági, K., Takacs, G., Chirally Factorised Truncated Conformal Space Approach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 277 (2022) 108376,
A. Grabarits, Kormos, M., Lovas, I., Zaránd, G., Classical theory of universal quantum work distribution in chaotic and disordered non-interacting Fermi systems, Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 15017.
M. Lencsés, Mussardo, G., Takacs, G., Confinement in the tricritical Ising model, Physics Letters B 828 (2022) 137008,
A.C. Cubero, Konik, R.M., Lencsés, M., Mussardo, G., Takacs, G., Duality and Form Factors in the Thermally Deformed Two-Dimensional Tricritical Ising Model, Scipost Physics (2022) 162,
D. Szász-Schagrin, Takács, G., False vacuum decay in the (1+1)d $\varphi^4$ theory, Physics Review D 106 (2022) 025008,
M. Kormos, Vörös, D., Zaránd, G., Finite temperature dynamics in gapped 1D models in the sine-Gordon family, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 205151,
D.X. Horváth, Kormos, M., Sotiriadis, S., Takacs, G., Inhomogeneous quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon theory, Scipost Phys. 12 (2022) 144,
J. Yang, Yuan, W., Imai, T., Si, Q., Wu, J., Kormos, M., Local dynamics and thermal activation in the transverse-field Ising chain, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 125149,
D. Szász-Schagrin, Lovas, I., Takacs, G., Quantum quenches in an interacting field theory: full quantum evolution vs. semi-classical approximations, Phys. Rev. B105 105 (2022) 014305,
G. Lagnese, Surace, F.Maria, Kormos, M., Calabrese, P., Quenches and confinement in a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder, Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical 55 (2022) 124003,
C.Paşcu Moca, Werner, M.Antal, Legeza, Ö., Prosen, T., Kormos, M., Zaránd, G., Simulating Lindbladian evolution with non-Abelian symmetries: Ballistic front propagation in the SU(2) Hubbard model with a localized loss, Physical Review B 105 (2022) 195144,
B. Pozsgay, Hutsalyuk, A., Pristyák, L., Takács, G., Sub-lattice entanglement in an exactly solvable anyon-like spin ladder, Physical Review E 106 (2022) arXiv:2205.01465,
A. Grabarits, Kormos, M., Lovas, I., Zaránd, G., Superdiffusive quantum work and adiabatic quantum evolution in finite temperature chaotic Fermi systems, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 064201,
M. Lencsés, Mussardo, G., Takacs, G., Variations on vacuum decay: the scaling Ising and tricritical Ising field theories, Physical Review D 106 (2022) 105003,
B. Pozsgay, Algebraic construction of current operators in integrable spin chains, Physical Review Letters 125 (2020) 070602,
F.B. Ramos, Lencsés, M., Xavier, J.C., Pereira, R.G., Confinement and bound states of bound states in a transverse-field two-leg Ising ladder, Phys. Rev. B 102 (2020) 014426,
G. Lagnese, Surace, F.Maria, Kormos, M., Calabrese, P., Confinement in the spectrum of a Heisenberg-Ising spin ladder, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 2020 (2020) 093106,
M. Borsi, Pozsgay, B., Pristyák, L., Current operators in Bethe Ansatz and Generalized Hydrodynamics: An exact quantum/classical correspondence, Physical Review X 10 (2020) 011054 ,
B. Pozsgay, Current operators in integrable spin chains: lessons from long range deformations, Scipost Physics 8 (2020) 016,
O.A. Castro-Alvaredo, Lencsés, M., Szécsényi, I.M., Viti, J., Entanglement Oscillations near a Quantum Critical Point, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124 (2020) 230601,
G. Fehér, Pozsgay, B., Generalized Gibbs Ensemble and string-charge relations in nested Bethe Ansatz, Scipost Physics 8 (2020) 034,
K. Hódsági, Kormos, M., Kibble-Zurek mechanism in the Ising Field Theory, Scipost Physics 9 (2020) 055,
I. Kukuljan, Sotiriadis, S., Takács, G., Out-of-horizon correlations following a quench in a relativistic quantum field theory, Journal Of High Energy Physics Volume 2020 (2020) 224,
M. Lencsés, Pomponio, O., Takacs, G., Relaxation and entropy generation after quenching quantum spin chains, Scipost Physics 9 (2020) 011,
M. de Leeuw, Gombor, T., Kristjansen, C., Linardopoulos, G., Pozsgay, B., Spin Chain Overlaps and the Twisted Yangian, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2020 (2020) 176,
B. Pozsgay, Jiang, Y., Takács, G., $T\bar T$-deformation and long range spin chains, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2020 (2020) 092,
I. Lovas, Grabarits, A., Kormos, M., Zaránd, G., Theory of quantum work in metallic grains, Physical Review Research 2 (2020) 023224.
M. Lencsés, Viti, J., Takacs, G., Chiral entanglement in massive quantum field theories in 1+1 dimensions, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2019 (2019) 177,
G.Z. Feher, Garbali, A., de Gier, J., Schoutens, K., A curious mapping between supersymmetric quantum chains, in: 2017 Matrix Annals, Springer, Cham, 2019: pp. 167-184,
D.X. Horvath, Hydrodynamics of massless integrable RG flows and a non-equilibrium c-theorem, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2019 (2019) 20,
B. Pozsgay, Piroli, L., Vernier, E., Integrable Matrix Product States from boundary integrability, Scipost Physics 6 (2019) 062,
L. Piroli, Vernier, E., Calabrese, P., Pozsgay, B., Integrable quenches in nested spin chains I: the exact steady states, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 2019 (2019) 063103,
L. Piroli, Vernier, E., Calabrese, P., Pozsgay, B., Integrable quenches in nested spin chains II: the Quantum Transfer Matrix approach, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 2019 (2019) 063104,
D.X. Horváth, Lovas, I., Kormos, M., Takacs, G., Zaránd, G., Non-equilibrium time evolution and rephasing in the quantum sine-Gordon model, Physical Review A 100 (2019) 013613,
K. Hódsági, Kormos, M., Takács, G., Perturbative post-quench overlaps in Quantum Field Theory, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2019 (2019) 47,
G.Z. Feher, Pozsgay, B., The propagator of the finite XXZ spin-1/2 chain, Scipost Physics 6 (2019) 063,
O. Pomponio, Pristyak, L., Takacs, G., Quasi-particle spectrum and entanglement generation after a quench in the quantum Potts spin chain, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 01 (2019) 013104,
M.A. Werner, Moca, C.P., Legeza, Ö., Kormos, M., Zaránd, G., Spin fluctuations after quantum quenches in the S=1 Haldane chain: numerical validation of the semi-semiclassical theory, Physical Review B 100 (2019) 035401,
B. Bertini, Piroli, L., Kormos, M., Transport in the sine-Gordon field theory: from generalized hydrodynamics to semiclassics, Physical Review B 100 (2019) 035108,
I. Kukuljan, Sotiriadis, S., Takacs, G., Correlation functions of the quantum sine-Gordon model in and out of equilibrium, Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 110402,
G.Z. Feher, Nienhuis, B., Currents in the dilute $O(n=1)$ model, Arxiv E-Prints (2018) arXiv:1510.02721,
M. Collura, Kormos, M., Takacs, G., Dynamical manifestation of Gibbs paradox after a quantum quench, Physical Review A98 (2018) 053610,
B. Pozsgay, Rákos, O., Exact boundary free energy of the open XXZ chain with arbitrary boundary conditions, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 11 (2018) 113102,
B. Pozsgay, Szécsényi, I.M., LeClair-Mussardo series for two-point functions in Integrable QFT, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2018 (2018) 170,
L. Piroli, Pozsgay, B., Vernier, E., Non-analytic behavior of the Loschmidt echo in XXZ spin chains: exact results, Nuclear Physics B 933 (2018) 454-481,
G.Z. Feher, Pearce, P.A., Vittorini-Orgeas, A., One-dimensional sums and finitized characters of 2x2 fused RSOS models, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 7 (2018) 073104,
D.X. Horváth, Kormos, M., Takacs, G., Overlap singularity and time evolution in integrable quantum field theory, Journal Of High Energy Physics 2018 (2018) 170,
B. Pozsgay, Overlaps with arbitrary two-site states in the XXZ spin chain, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 5 (2018) 053103,
M. Collura, Kormos, M., Calabrese, P., Quantum quench in a harmonically trapped one-dimensional Bose gas, Physical Review A 97 (2018) 033609,
K. Hódsági, Kormos, M., Takacs, G., Quench dynamics of the Ising field theory in a magnetic field, Scipost Physics 5 (2018) 170,
M. Kormos, C. Moca, P., Zaránd, G., Semiclassical theory of front propagation and front equilibration following an inhomogeneous quantum quench, Physical Review E 98 (2018) 032105,
B. Pozsgay, Excited state correlations of the finite Heisenberg chain, Journal Of Physics A Mathematical General 50 (2017) 074006,
L. Piroli, Pozsgay, B., Vernier, E., From the quantum transfer matrix to the quench action: the Loschmidt echo in XXZ Heisenberg spin chains, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 2 (2017) 023106,
B. Pozsgay, Vernier, E., Werner, M.A., On generalized Gibbs ensembles with an infinite set of conserved charges, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 9 (2017) 093103,
C.P. Moca, Kormos, M., Zaránd, G., Hybrid Semiclassical Theory of Quantum Quenches in One-Dimensional Systems, Physical Review Letters 119 (2017) 100603,
M. Kormos, Inhomogeneous quenches in the transverse field Ising chain: scaling and front dynamics, Scipost Physics 3 (2017) 020,
D.X. Horváth, Takacs, G., Overlaps after quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon model, Physics Letters B 771 (2017) 539-545,
M. Kormos, Collura, M., Takacs, G., Calabrese, P., Real-time confinement following a quantum quench to a non-integrable model, Nature Physics 13 (2017) 246-249,
M. Kormos, Zimborás, Z., Temperature driven quenches in the Ising model: appearance of negative Rényi mutual information, Journal Of Physics A Mathematical General 50 (2017) 264005,
L. Piroli, Pozsgay, B., Vernier, E., What is an integrable quench?, Nuclear Physics B 925 (2017) 362-402,
T. Pálmai, Entanglement entropy from the truncated conformal space, Physics Letters B 759 (2016) 439-445,
T. Rakovszky, Mestyán, M., Collura, M., Kormos, M., Takacs, G., Hamiltonian truncation approach to quenches in the Ising field theory, Nuclear Physics B 911 (2016) 805-845,
D.X. Horváth, Sotiriadis, S., Takacs, G., Initial states in integrable quantum field theory quenches from an integral equation hierarchy, Nuclear Physics B 902 (2016) 508-547,
P. Azaria, Konik, R.M., Lecheminant, P., Pálmai, T., Takacs, G., Tsvelik, A.M., Particle formation and ordering in strongly correlated fermionic systems: Solving a model of quantum chromodynamics, Physical Review D 94 (2016) 045003,
M. Kormos, Zaránd, G., Quantum quenches in the sine-Gordon model: A semiclassical approach, Physical Review E 93 (2016) 062101,
B. Pozsgay, Eisler, V., Real-time dynamics in a strongly interacting bosonic hopping model: global quenches and mapping to the XX chain, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 5 (2016) 053107,
L. Taddia, Ortolani, F., Pálmai, T., Renyi entanglement entropies of descendant states in critical systems with boundaries: conformal field theory and spin chains, Journal Of Statistical Mechanics: Theory And Experiment 9 (2016) 093104,
D.X. Horváth, Dorey, P.E., Takacs, G., Roaming form factors for the tricritical to critical Ising flow, Journal Of High Energy Physics 7 (2016) 51,
